Adding spice to your day: COUNSELS OF THE LORD

Text: “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsels of the LORD that shall stand.” Proverbs 19:21

We all have plans, dreams and desires that we love to see come to pass in our lives. There is not wrong with all these. But at the same time we must be sure that whatever we desire plan, dream about and desire is in perfect harmony with God’s ultimate counsels for our lives.

The ultimate plan of God is to get us to the point where we are so close to him that we know exactly what his counsels are for our lives. Some of us are so close to our parents, spouse or even friends that we know exactly what they want and what they don’t want. Most of the time when we pursue things that are not within the confines of God’s counsels for our lives we begin to struggle to make things happen by ourselves. God’s counsels are already blessed and empowered to happen.

“...Nevertheless the counsels of the Lord that shall stand “means the following:
1. It is God’s counsels that has guarantee for a future.
2. It is God’s counsels that will endure and stand the test of time.
3. It is God’s counsels that will bring the highest fulfillment into our lives.

We may succeed in pursuing the devices of our hearts and get them but they will still leave us with a sense of emptiness within. God knows what is best for you in life. He knows the end of your life from the beginning. He has the master plan for our lives and should be the best person to channel the course of our lives in the right direction.

God’s counsels may not be popular but that is where you future lies. God’s counsels are the things that God programmed and prepared for you before time.

Lord I embrace your counsels for my life. I declare that your counsels are greater than all my plans.

LEARN MORE: Jeremiah 29:11
